Student Testimonial- Pinkie Motsoeneng
My name is Pinkie Delia Motsoeneng, I am 24 years of age and I was on a learnership with Cwenga Technologies (Pty) Ltd. Firstly I would like to thank the organisation for the amazing Learnership opportunity over the last 12 months, when I came to the company I had no experience in business administration, that was until I came across the learnership opportunity that was offered to me.
In the course of my leranership I gained practical skills in administration, I enjoyed my placement and the opportunity to learn more about the company. This experience taught me more about team work, customer service and what the working world is like.
I have developed empirical key skills that will be invaluable in future practice, I feel really privileged to have worked with such inspiring people. Cwenga is a fantastic organisation that has improved my learning both from a professional and personal level, the time I spent in the organization increased my self-confidence, I will succeed in my chosen career because the company personally took the time to teach me the practical as well as the people skills needed to excel in a corporate environment.
During my learnership, I learned several key concepts that enhanced my classroom instructions, they taught me to connect to people, not just the work. Because of their dedication I feel empowered and capable of handling any challenge that may come my way. So much of me is made from what I have learned from the organisation and this learnership has increased my interest in pursuing a career in business administration. I would love to stay in touch, and would be grateful to be advised on steps I should take to secure a full time job in this industry. Once again thank you Cwenga for making my learnership a rewarding experience.