Welcome to Cwenga Technologies
These two agencies offer world class quality and technical abilities which include regular visits of their sales staff and management to South Africa. This allows Cwenga and our customers the opportunity to be informed of new developments and technologies in the market. .
Industry News

Lithium-ion battery recycling with Cwenga Lib
Aug 27 , 2024
Cwenga Lib has developed a Lithium-ion battery recycling process over the last 2 years that utilised food grade and environmentally friendly reagents at ambient temperature to reduce the electrical energy inputs that are associated with costly pyrometallurgical processed. The intention is to recover and separate the metals within the batteries to a quality where they can re-enter the market as raw materials thus completing the circular economy.

Student Graduation
Jul 21 , 2022
Congratulations to Mantsha Emeldah Mathibela, our Laboratory Technician, who received a National Diploma In Analytical Chemistry from the Tshwane University Of Technology . Mantsha is pursuing an Advanced Diploma In Analytical Chemistry at the moment.
She is currently working on a project, focused on the removal of nitrates from water using Ion Exchange resin where the effect of functional groups in anion exchange resin are investigated. Mantsha is passionate about her work and looks forward to working on more projects. The dreams is to obtain her PhD in chemistry someday.

Student graduation
May 11 , 2021
A very enthusiastic well done to Lesego Siwela, who graduated from the University of Pretoria last month with her Batchelor of Engineering (metallurgical) degree.
Although it has been an interesting challenge to mentor a student throughout lockdown, she has done admirably. Lesego worked on an incredibly varied set of projects, bouncing from hydrometallurgy (copper and gold recovery and cobalt leaching) to food processing (colour removal from sugar and inversion of glucose syrup) to development of analytical methods for our internal laboratory.
Cwenga offers world class products with local knowledge and expertise.Cwenga TechnologiesSouth Africa